The fourth day of the fair, I once again visited Brown Arena for the Jr. Breeding Sheep show. I met the Southdown lamb breed queen and once again saw Meighan, the 09-10 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen. Roger, a member of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, was present at the junior show. I had previously met him at the Governor's residence. The Vet Education Center featured baby animals born throughout the week at the fair, such as calves, lambs, or chicks. I also visited the Voinovich Livestock Center and helped Jacquie pass out awards at the Jr. Beef show. I visited the Poultry Pavilion, which was packed with chickens and turkeys. The Natural Resources Park was my next stop, and I said hello to Smokey Bear. I watched as kids kayaked in the pond, too. The Agriculture and Horticulture Building had a neat photo opp. provided by the Ohio Farm Bureau team. Afterward, I rode in to the National Holstein Dairy Futurity on a wagon pulled by draft horses with a few of the State Fair Commissioners and Ohio Department of Agriculture employees. I met the Ohio Holstein Queen at this show that was held in Cooper Arena.
Saturday, July 31
Ohio State Fair - Saturday, 31st
The fourth day of the fair, I once again visited Brown Arena for the Jr. Breeding Sheep show. I met the Southdown lamb breed queen and once again saw Meighan, the 09-10 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen. Roger, a member of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, was present at the junior show. I had previously met him at the Governor's residence. The Vet Education Center featured baby animals born throughout the week at the fair, such as calves, lambs, or chicks. I also visited the Voinovich Livestock Center and helped Jacquie pass out awards at the Jr. Beef show. I visited the Poultry Pavilion, which was packed with chickens and turkeys. The Natural Resources Park was my next stop, and I said hello to Smokey Bear. I watched as kids kayaked in the pond, too. The Agriculture and Horticulture Building had a neat photo opp. provided by the Ohio Farm Bureau team. Afterward, I rode in to the National Holstein Dairy Futurity on a wagon pulled by draft horses with a few of the State Fair Commissioners and Ohio Department of Agriculture employees. I met the Ohio Holstein Queen at this show that was held in Cooper Arena.
Ohio State Fair - Friday, 30th
Knox County Fair
The Knox County Fair is set on beautiful rolling hills. Although some people may complain about walking up and down the hills, it was a gorgeous setting for the fair. Shortly after my arrival, I was welcomed by the 4-H Educator, Larry. Larry had been my 4-H Ambassador Advisor for the state 4-H. He introduced me to Robin, the Knox County Jr. Fair Queen, and Dan, the Knox County Jr. Fair King. I also met the smiley Alexis, who was Little Miss Knox County. Alexis was celebrating her eighth birthday! We were soon
Summit County Fair
Howard, the OFMA's executive director, escorted me around the fair. Howard had been on the fair board for 27years and served as the president for several years. He informed me that the Summit County Fair is a newer fair, it was 53 years old, since it began in 1957. I had the opportunity to meet the fair's queen, Megan. She shows horses; I learned that the horse project is very popular in Summit County. I watched exhibitors compete for the title of Showman of Showman. The fair highlighted a number of antiques in the Summit County Farm Bureau Antique Museum. The building was created in 1991. Good Luck to Megan as she continues her year as fair queen!
Ohio State Fair - Thursday, 29th
Dennis Elliott (Franklin Cty)
Richard Indoe (Medina Cty)
David Madison (Franklin Cty)
Jeffrey Milgrom (Franklin Cty)
Rose Stough (Crawford Cty)
Vinton County Fair
The Vinton County Fair was a small but lively place. When I arrived, I was warmly greeted and a member of the fair board even announced my presence over the entire intercom system on the fairgrounds. Although she was one of the youngest queens I had met so far, Hannah wasn't shy. She welcomed me to the fair and proceeded to show me what the Vinton County Fair had to offer. The fair had a very neat display for the exhibitors to have their picture taken by. The people of Vinton County were extremely friendly and welcoming to me. While walking around, Hannah introduced me to many people; one of those people was "Jr". He was a younger boy who was as polite as could be. Hannah told me that he had won "Ultimate Showman" for the swine specie. Earl, a member of the Senior Fair Board, had me interviewed by the announcer for the "Tough Truck" competition, which was going to take place shortly. During the time before the competition, my family and I enjoyed the most wonderful homemade noodles by the VFW post. To top it off, we shared a piece of coconut custard pie, also homemade by the VFW.
Butler County Fair
The OFMA president, Dan Martin, met up with the Butler County Fair's King, Queen, and I at dinner on the fairgrounds. I had a delicious meal! The king, Evan, and the queen, Emily, were both former state 4-H camp acquaintances of mine. Evan, Emily, and Dan led me through all of the livestock barns and a really cute youth barn. "The Farm Zone" youth barn featured baby animals and kids activities. The beef cattle barn had giant fans installed this year. These fans were excellent, in the fact that, exhibitors did not have to bring fans from home. The barn, also, didn't have tons of extension cords running through it. While on our tour, we were treated to freshly baked cinnamon donuts. I had never had such a thing before; it was tasty! Evan, Emily, and I attended the rodeo that was taking place, and I learned that the grandstand had been built in 1913. Afterward, Dan took us to see a magician. This magician was outstanding! At the end of his tricks, he created a balloon for me that was a pink heart with two white turtle doves kissing. It was adorable! Evan was given a balloon of a pig riding a motorcycle! Upon my departure, Dan presented me with a lovely basket featuring the Butler County Fair's
Clermont County Fair
Bill informed me of the events the fair hosts throughout the week. One very well-attended event is the military recognition night. It is an event held in the grandstand that honors veterans and those currently serving in the military. I was told that it generates a lot of support from the community. Clermont County was also fortunate enough to have a new horse barn built this year. It was funded by a very unique organization called Friends of the Fair, Inc. According to the non-profit organization, they are, "an organization compromised of individuals striving to improve the facilities available to Clermont County youth for livestock exhibition." I also was introduced to Ohio House of Representatives 66th District representative, Joe. I was highly impressed by the friendly atmosphere of the fair!
Ohio State Fair - Opening Day
Seneca County Fair
I had a fantastic time touring the fair with the Seneca County Junior Fair Board Vice-President, the fair king, and the fair queen ---Ellen, Chance, and Kourtney. In the llama barn is where a funny incident happened... my crown seemed to catch this one llama's attention. His eyes got really big and he craned his neck to follow me as I walked throughout the barns. When I approached him again, he leaned in towards me. His nose was about five inches from my face! I knew llamas were curious animals, but it definitely was one of the funniest things that has happened to me at a fair. Later that night, I got to watch my first pig scramble. The stands were packed, it appeared to be the biggest attraction at the fair during that time. I watched as the kids greased their hands in preparation for the event. While I was there, I had the chance to introduce myself to the audience. The Senior Fair Board President, Dan, was present to help run the scramble. It was a pleasure to meet the 1st and 2nd Queen Runner-Ups, Kari and Dani, at the scramble.
Lucas County Fair
Ohio State Fair - Butter Cow Unveiling Ceremony
Union County Fair
Sue, the marketing director for the fair, took me to the different livestock shows and had me introduced. I also enjoyed helping the 2009 Union County Junior Fair Queen to crown the 2010 Union County Junior Fair Queen, Taylor. I helped hand out awards during sheep showmanship and had the opportunity to award the Showman of Showmen award to Jakob. Below is an interview I had with Jakob following his win:
Shelby County Fair
I remember meeting Senior Fair Board members, Jerry and Pat, at the OFMA spring district meetings. They were extremely cordial to me when I arrived at the fair. I'd like to congratulate Staci on being crowned the Shelby County Junior Fair Queen, and Luke on being crowned the Shelby County Junior Fair King this year. Jean, the Junior Fair Board President, showed me around the fair with the king and queen. They showed me a really neat display booth titled, "What do you know about the Shelby County Fair?". It had questions, and if you flipped the chart, it then displayed the answer. We watched pig races. It was so cute; pigs raced each other around the track and even jumped into a pool! The pig that I cheered for was named "Dolly Porker". The fairground also had a really neat octagon-shaped center of a barn. Luke told me that the duck project has become a popular project in the past few years. There were many ducks in the barn when I visited. This year's fair was especially something for the people of Shelby County to be proud of, because it celebrated its 150th anniversary!