The fourth day of the fair, I once again visited Brown Arena for the Jr. Breeding Sheep show. I met the Southdown lamb breed queen and once again saw Meighan, the 09-10 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen. Roger, a member of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, was present at the junior show. I had previously met him at the Governor's residence. The Vet Education Center featured baby animals born throughout the week at the fair, such as calves, lambs, or chicks. I also visited the Voinovich Livestock Center and helped Jacquie pass out awards at the Jr. Beef show. I visited the Poultry Pavilion, which was packed with chickens and turkeys. The Natural Resources Park was my next stop, and I said hello to Smokey Bear. I watched as kids kayaked in the pond, too. The Agriculture and Horticulture Building had a neat photo opp. provided by the Ohio Farm Bureau team. Afterward, I rode in to the National Holstein Dairy Futurity on a wagon pulled by draft horses with a few of the State Fair Commissioners and Ohio Department of Agriculture employees. I met the Ohio Holstein Queen at this show that was held in Cooper Arena.
Saturday, July 31
Ohio State Fair - Saturday, 31st
Visited: July 31

The fourth day of the fair, I once again visited Brown Arena for the Jr. Breeding Sheep show. I met the Southdown lamb breed queen and once again saw Meighan, the 09-10 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen. Roger, a member of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, was present at the junior show. I had previously met him at the Governor's residence. The Vet Education Center featured baby animals born throughout the week at the fair, such as calves, lambs, or chicks. I also visited the Voinovich Livestock Center and helped Jacquie pass out awards at the Jr. Beef show. I visited the Poultry Pavilion, which was packed with chickens and turkeys. The Natural Resources Park was my next stop, and I said hello to Smokey Bear. I watched as kids kayaked in the pond, too. The Agriculture and Horticulture Building had a neat photo opp. provided by the Ohio Farm Bureau team. Afterward, I rode in to the National Holstein Dairy Futurity on a wagon pulled by draft horses with a few of the State Fair Commissioners and Ohio Department of Agriculture employees. I met the Ohio Holstein Queen at this show that was held in Cooper Arena.

The fourth day of the fair, I once again visited Brown Arena for the Jr. Breeding Sheep show. I met the Southdown lamb breed queen and once again saw Meighan, the 09-10 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen. Roger, a member of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association, was present at the junior show. I had previously met him at the Governor's residence. The Vet Education Center featured baby animals born throughout the week at the fair, such as calves, lambs, or chicks. I also visited the Voinovich Livestock Center and helped Jacquie pass out awards at the Jr. Beef show. I visited the Poultry Pavilion, which was packed with chickens and turkeys. The Natural Resources Park was my next stop, and I said hello to Smokey Bear. I watched as kids kayaked in the pond, too. The Agriculture and Horticulture Building had a neat photo opp. provided by the Ohio Farm Bureau team. Afterward, I rode in to the National Holstein Dairy Futurity on a wagon pulled by draft horses with a few of the State Fair Commissioners and Ohio Department of Agriculture employees. I met the Ohio Holstein Queen at this show that was held in Cooper Arena.