I was welcomed by the Senior Fair Board President, Chuck. He then showed me to a building in which a 4-H award ceremony for the non-livestock projects was taking place. The Queen, Ashley, and the King, Matt, were hosting it. I also had the opportunity to visit the beef show and pass out a few awards. My favorite part of the evening was attending the 4-H club olympics on the track. The grandstands were filled with onlookers who were waiting for the competition to start. The olympics consisted on activities, one of which included catching a water balloon. Upon my arrival, the county commissioner who was announcing the competition introduced me. He then asked if I would like to catch a water balloon, I immediately replied, "Yes!"... I thought to myself, What have I gotten my
self into?! He asked me to stand about 15-20 feet away and threw the water balloon towards me. I surprisingly caught the water balloon and it didn't even bust! I was shocked, but glad I wasn't drenched in water! After the competition, Chuck treated me to a delectable, ice cold, lemonade slushie; it was a scorcher outside! While touring the animal barns, I was stunned to see what I approximated to be over 100 turkeys! The Clinton County Fair was a lot of fun to attend!