Sunday, July 25
Jackson County Fair
Visited: July 22

Jay, the Senior Fair Board President, became very involved with the fair and the 4-H program when his kids were younger. He is a very strong supporter of the youth involved in the county fair. He showed me around the fair, and it was apparent that 4-H projects made up majority of the fair. While I was there, I was interviewed by a T.V. station, WSAZ. My favorite sport of motocross was also taking place at the Jackson County Fair. Jay encouraged me to try chocolate nachos and chocolate covered bacon from a local restaurant's booth, called The Wounded Goose. It was like nothing I have ever tasted before! The "nachos" tasted similar to an elephant ear. They had sugar, cinnamon, chocolate, and sprinkles. Jay told me that go-kart racing has become a popular event during the fair. These aren't your ordinary go-karts, though. I also had the opportunity to meet the fair's Little Miss and Little Mister. They were so sweet! Additionally, I was introduced in the show arena during swine showmanship. It was fantastic to see so many people filling the stands to support the exhibitors.