Saturday, July 31
Carroll County Fair
Visited: July 25
Rain, rain, rain! It never stopped raining the entire time I was at the Carroll County Fair, but that didn't put a damper on my visit! Harold, a Senior Fair Board member, welcomed me to the fair and I joined the fair's
Sunday morning church service. They even had a mime help teach a l
esson. Luke, a past FFA member, drove me around the fair in the golf cart, and we tried to stay dry. One of the cutest things I had ever seen was that the trashcans were painted by the 4-H clubs a few years ago. It was a decoration competition. It really helped to dress up the fairgrounds. The draft horse pulls were going on, even in the rain. There was a costume dairy cattle show, where exhibitors dressed themselves and their cattle up. The winner was a girl who dressed as Paul Bunyan and painted her calf blue to resemble the blue ox, Babe. I was impressed that even though it was the last day of the fair, all of the animals were still present and the fair visitors could see them. I learned that the biggest industry in Carroll County is growing Christmas Trees. How unique!