The Knox County Fair is set on beautiful rolling hills. Although some people may complain about walking up and down the hills, it was a gorgeous setting for the fair. Shortly after my arrival, I was welcomed by the 4-H Educator, Larry. Larry had been my 4-H Ambassador Advisor for the state 4-H. He introduced me to Robin, the Knox County Jr. Fair Queen, and Dan, the Knox County Jr. Fair King. I also met the smiley Alexis, who was Little Miss Knox County. Alexis was celebrating her eighth birthday! We were soon
Saturday, July 31
Knox County Fair
Visited: July 30

The Knox County Fair is set on beautiful rolling hills. Although some people may complain about walking up and down the hills, it was a gorgeous setting for the fair. Shortly after my arrival, I was welcomed by the 4-H Educator, Larry. Larry had been my 4-H Ambassador Advisor for the state 4-H. He introduced me to Robin, the Knox County Jr. Fair Queen, and Dan, the Knox County Jr. Fair King. I also met the smiley Alexis, who was Little Miss Knox County. Alexis was celebrating her eighth birthday! We were soon
whisked away to meet Craig Morgan, who would be performing on stage later in the evening. T-100 radio hosts introduced Robin, Dan, Alexis, and I on the stage prior to the Craig Morgan performance. The six of us threw out frisbees to the crowd that had been autographed by Craig. Craig Morgan put on one of the most AMAZING concerts that I have ever seen! He is so down to earth and can relate to the average person. After the concert, Larry explained how things worked in the fair's Junior Fair Board office. They have a very structured system when it comes to storage of the ribbons and informational binders for the
shows. It was very impressive. If an exhibitor wins champion in any species, he or she receives a sign to hang on his or her pen signifying that it is a champion animal. At the end of the fair, the exhibitor can then choose to purchase a sign like the one they have as a keepsake and even have it personalized. The exhibitor may also choose to return it for the fair next year. Knox County has a very large Junior Fair Board that consist of approximately 50 members.
The Knox County Fair is set on beautiful rolling hills. Although some people may complain about walking up and down the hills, it was a gorgeous setting for the fair. Shortly after my arrival, I was welcomed by the 4-H Educator, Larry. Larry had been my 4-H Ambassador Advisor for the state 4-H. He introduced me to Robin, the Knox County Jr. Fair Queen, and Dan, the Knox County Jr. Fair King. I also met the smiley Alexis, who was Little Miss Knox County. Alexis was celebrating her eighth birthday! We were soon