My first official stop of fair season began with the Paulding County Fair in Northwestern Ohio. Upon my mid-afternoon arrival, I was picked up in a golf cart by Katie and Anna, the 1st and 2nd runner-up royalty for Paulding County. They drove me to the show arena where I met the King, Dakota, who was auctioning himself off for a kiss to a lucky member of the crowd. This "royalty kiss auction" is an annual fundraiser that the fair has on the last day. While in the show arena, I met the Paulding County Fair Queen, Amanda. All of the royalty escorted me around the fairgrounds to the various barns and buildings on the golf cart. They even showed me the fa
ir's famous home-made ice cream stand. That ice cream was delicious! After eating the ice cream, I was then introduced to members of their senior and junior fair boards. The junior fair board members even showed me their sacred euchre table on the fairgrounds, but I can't tell you where it's at! A youth center is something that Paulding County is lucky to have on the fairgrounds. It is something Paulding County should be very proud of! Thank you to Dakota, Amanda, Katie, and Anna for giving me the grand tour of the fairgrounds and being a part of my first fair experience as the 2010 Ohio Fair's Queen!